In a recent Whitewater School Board Meeting:
After starting the meeting with a closed session and not discussing the reason for the closed session, public comments were heard. Citizens yet again addressed the issue to the board not listening to residents when asked for transparency.
It was noted that Ben Holzem resigned from his position as the assistant principal of the middle school; Holzem will be moving on to a principal position at a different school
Recent hires include:
Chloe Adamson as High School spanish certified intern
Kadie Kraabel for music at Lincoln
Kaitlyn Everson for 4th grade at Lakeview
Kayla Vaccaro was transferred from 1st grade teacher to behavioral/mental health interventionist at Washington
New Coaches were hired and include:
Sam Bartlett as High School Football Head Coach
Sam Burns as High School Varsity Head Coach for Boys Soccer
Dr Michael McCabe as High School Head Boys Basketball Coach
Mike Dowden as High School Head Coach for Girls Basketball
The ratification of 2023-24 collective bargaining agreement between the Whitewater unified school district and Whitewater education association with a 4.5% increase over the base wage for certified, non-represented and support staff was approved
DISCLAIMER: Numbers and information may not accurately reflect the exact sums and totals or action taken by councils.