Rock County is seeking community members to join its Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC).
Created in 2006, CJCC and brings those in the criminal justice system and members of the public together on a regular basis to discuss issues affecting the criminal justice system, resolve problems, and plan for the future. Meetings are scheduled for 3:00 PM on the third Thursday of the month. Meetings are open to the public, and citizens are encouraged to attend. Rock County residents are encouraged to submit their interest to serve by 8:00 a.m. on May 23, 2023, through the online portal on the Rock County website.
SENT TO THE MEDIA (sent 5/16/2023)
Rock County Board Chair Seeking Persons Interested in Serving on the Rock County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Rock County is seeking community members to join its Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC). The Rock County CJCC was created in 2006 and brings stakeholders in the criminal justice system and members of the public together on a regular basis to discuss issues affecting the criminal justice system, resolve problems, and plan for the future. It acts in an advisory capacity to the County Board on issues affecting the criminal justice system. CJCC meetings are scheduled for 3:00 PM on the third Thursday of the month. Meetings are open to the public, and citizens are encouraged to attend.
The purpose of the CJCC is to:
Enhance public safety
Make suggestions to provide better outcomes for justice system users, their families, and the public at-large
Make suggestions for more efficient use of resources
Increase communication
Eliminate duplication
Provide coordination across departments and budget areas
Provide ongoing oversight for new or alternative programs
Since its 2006 inception, the CJCC has recommended and supported numerous programs which have greatly impacted the County’s justice system—putting the average daily jail census below capacity, as well as improving the lives of defendants so they do not continually cycle through the system. This has been accomplished through the dedicated efforts of CJCC members encouraging and collaborating on programs such as the various treatment courts, as well as the Sheriff’s Office Electronic Monitoring and Workender programs. Further, through its close criminal justice stakeholder collaboration, Rock County was chosen to partner with the State of Wisconsin in the Evidence Based Decision-Making (EBDM) Initiative and in the Pretrial Pilot Program. Through these endeavors, Rock County continues to further justice reform in the areas of pretrial, risk assessment, behavioral health information sharing, and more.
Rock County residents are encouraged to submit their interest to serve as a community representative on the CJCC by 8:00 a.m. on May 23, 2023, through the online portal on the Rock County website. The portal can be found at this link https://www.co.rock.wi.us/residents/join-a-committee or by clicking on “Residents” at the top of the County’s website and following the link to join a committee. This portal can be used by residents to express their interest in serving on any County committee that has community representatives.
Any questions about the work of this group can be directed to Elizabeth Pohlman McQuillen, Justice System Manager, at pohlman@co.rock.wi.us.