Possible decision regarding request from Bielinski Homes to release remainder of letter of credit totaling $2434.44 for Harvest Pointe South Subdivision -Postponed until Administrator Swann can provide clarity on some questions
Purchase of portable radar sign for Maclean rd at cost of $3,995 -was approved
Agreement with Praitt Ekes and Geary S.C. to utilize law firm for legal advice in zoning and land use planning matters -was approved
Kapur task order #21 for design engineering services for 2024 E. Centralia st reconstruction project (phase 2) -was approved
Resolution 2023-15 authorizing an interfund loan from the city electric fund to tax incremental district #4 -was approved Resolution 2023-16 declaring official intent to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of borrowing (for rehab of northcast WTP) -was approved.
DISCLAIMER: Numbers and information may not accurately reflect the exact sums and totals or action taken by councils.