According to a press release, the Public Works Department of Walworth County will be starting a pavement rehabilitation project on County Trunk Highway O from US Highway 14, extending north to the 1-43 overpass through the Towns of Walworth and Delavan. This 3.5-mile project includes:
Replacement of most cross culverts and driveway culverts
Installing new curb & gutter at at intersection corners
Partial-depth asphalt pavement milling
Pulverizing remaining asphalt and base materials
Gravel base repairs as necessary
Construction of a new asphalt pavement surface and gravel shoulders
Lane and shoulder widths will generally remain unchanged. Starting around June 5th CTH-O will be closed to thru traffic from US Highway 14 to Creekside Place (just north of the 1-43 overpass) with a marked detour route using CTH K, CTH X, and State Highway 11 between US Highway 14 and 2 Street in Delavan. This portion of CTH 0 will be open to local traffic only. Cross traffic at S&D Townline Road S. Shore Drive and Sweet Road / N. Shore Drive will be maintained as much as possible. Access will be maintained for emergency services, postal delivery, garbage collection, and school buses. Although open to local traffic, the road surface may vary during construction until paving operations begin, so please pay attention to signs and be aware of your surroundings as you travel through the work zone. Please drive slowly and watch for workers. Intermittent daytime-only full closures of the roadway to install cross culverts may be necessary During this time, local traffic access through the culvert work zone may not be possible. The roadway will reopen to two-way local traffic at the end of each day. Watch for message sign boards for more specific information as it becomes available. The current contract completion date for the project is September 15, 2023 During construction, questions or concerns can be directed to the project engineer, Mr. David Hemmerich of Baxter & Woodman, Inc. cell phone (815) 690-2933 or
