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City of Beloit Passes Housing Flexibility Ordinance

According to a press release from the City of Beloit, developers and property owners will now have more flexibility to develop homes in Beloit. The housing flexibility ordinance, which was passed unanimously Monday night, creates an opportunity for property owners to build homes that are narrower than 25 feet and less than 1 thousand square feet.

Any proposed homes that are narrower than 25 feet and less than 1,000 square feet can now be considered through the Planned Unit Development process, which ultimately requires City Council approval on an individual basis. This change opens up the potential for development on some of the smaller, vacant lots in the city or for property owners to create an “in-law house” on their land, for example.

Applications for development through this process will be available on the 3rd floor of City Hall starting September 28, 2022.

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