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2023 City of Janesville Assessment Change Notices


The City of Janesville Assessor’s Office anticipates mailing the 2023 Assessment Change Notices on or about Tuesday, May 30. According to the City, property owners should allow 3 to 6 days for notices to arrive. The City has tools and frequently asked questions to assist the public in understanding the revaluation process under the Assessor’s Office section of the City’s website. State law requires that notices be mailed to property owners when there is a change in their assessed value from the prior year. Since this is a revaluation year, all property owners will receive a notice. The City has over 24,000 real estate parcels and almost 2,000 personal property accounts. The Notice of Assessment Change includes information on the assessment and the dates and times of the Assessor’s Open Book sessions. Property owners may meet with assessment staff during Open Book to discuss their assessment. Participation in this process requires an appointment. Open Book appointments run June 1 through June 15. The Open Book session signifies the conclusion of the current year’s assessment cycle. However, anyone may contact the Assessor’s Office during the year if they have questions or concerns regarding the assessment process. Revaluations are revenue neutral. A revaluation redistributes each property owner’s share of the total tax to be collected based on fair market values. The average assessment change drives this redistribution. The average assessment change for 2023 is an increase of 44%. Property owners whose assessment change reflects the average change of 44% should expect to pay about the same in property taxes. Property owners whose assessment change is above the average should expect to pay more in property taxes. Properties below the average assessment change should expect to pay less in property taxes.

Beginning May 31, there will be an Illustrative Tax Calculator available to assist with calculating any potential change in your property tax payment. This tool will be located under the Assessor’s Office section of the City’s website. The calculator shows property owners the estimated tax impact of their new assessment based on known 2022 tax rates. Total tax impacts for 2023 will not be known until November and are set by the elected officials for each of Janesville’s taxing districts which are: Janesville City Council, School Boards of Janesville and Milton, Rock County Board, Blackhawk Technical College Board, and the State of Wisconsin. For questions on assessed values or to schedule an Open Book appointment, contact the Assessor’s Office at (608) 755-3045. For questions on taxes, contact the Clerk Treasurer’s Office at (608) 755-3070.

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